Now that you’ve entered the third trimester of your pregnancy term, there is so much to look forward to! The grand baby shower ceremony filled with love, warmth, and blessings for your and the little one’s health, the last-minute preps for your baby’s arrival, doctor visits and the countdown to the day when you will get to hold your little bundle of joy in your arms. Looking back on your pregnancy journey will fill you with joy.

Almost As If Your Baby Can Feel Your Excitement Too.
The third trimester is the final leg of your pregnancy. Your baby’s movements are a lot more apparent, given that they are now almost 14 inches long and weighs nearly a kilo! What’s all the more exciting is that as you progress to your eighth month, your baby starts responding to sound, light and other stimuli. This means you can sing to your baby and it will respond to the sound of your voice!
If your baby is healthy and active, congratulations! You are doing it right. Your diet is working, and it is providing the right nutrition to your baby. It is healthy and rich in vital nutrients such as Folic Acid, protein and Choline. All you need to do now is to follow the same diet and routine for this trimester too.
Bask In The Love And Attention!
Third trimester is also the time when your adorable baby bump is unmistakable and will garner a lot of attention. Savor every moment of this time by planning a pregnancy photo-shoot along with a laidback and fun baby shower with your loved ones. Enjoy the extra dose of love and pampering that you are receiving from your husband (make the most of it, we’d say!).
This rather exciting time also brings with it certain unwelcome changes such as aggravated hair-loss, dull and dry hair, growth of unwanted facial hair, hair on your abdomen and back. These changes however are absolutely normal and nothing to be worried about. Once you deliver your baby and your hormones settle down, everything will go back to normal within a few months. So right now, you just need to relax and enjoy all the love and attention being showered at you.
Support Your Back.
As your belly grows and the strain on your back increases, you might experience a constant discomfort in your back. It is, however, completely normal and nothing that cannot be treated. Sip on some hot beverage while you discuss baby names with your partner and have them give you a gentle massage. Don’t forget to keep a hot water bag or ice packs handy!

The Due Date Nerves!
As your due date approaches, you might feel anxious about what lays ahead. Motherhood is a big responsibility, and it is only natural to feel a little jittery before embracing this new role. Everybody feels the same way about it and you definitely are not alone.
In anticipation of the lactation phase ahead of you, your body has already begun preparing your breasts. It is a good idea to buy bras a few sizes bigger to accommodate all the extra breast tissue comfortably. Gaining around 10 to 12 kgs of weight during pregnancy is also normal. During this time, you might also experience Braxton Hicks contractions. You can call these warm-up contractions that prepare you for the delivery. Don’t panic though. Its just a false alarm and should pass. However, if the contractions persist, speak with your gynecologist immediately.
By the time your third trimester ends, your baby’s brain and nervous system will be fully developed which means it can now coordinate its head movements and hand-eye reflexes. And before you know it, you will be cradling your little bundle of joy in your arms.
You did it! Pat yourself on the back and appreciate the magic that is your body. Please do away with that self-doubt. You’ll be just fine, our dearest mommy-to-be!