Most people think that osteoporosis is a natural outcome of aging, however medical experts now believe that preventive steps such as increased exercise, better nutrition and the right lifestyle habits can slow down the progress of the disease and reduce the risk of fractures.
Making some small changes and ensuring you receive adequate nutrition daily, will enable you to carry on enjoying the things in life all women love.
Find out some helpful tips on improving your habits to achieve healthier and stronger bones.
Studies have proven that one of the best ways to boost bone strength is through regular exercise. Ask your doctor whether you’re at risk of osteoporosis and find out what exercises are appropriate for you. Once you get the green-light, add these activities to your daily life, and work your way towards healthier bones!

Strength Training
Strength training includes using either free weights or your own bodyweight to strengthen all of your major muscle groups. When done with proper form and technique, it significantly improves your posture and bone density, and prevents bone injuries.
Weight-Bearing Exercise
Weight-bearing exercises are ones performed on your feet to make your bones and muscles work against gravity to keep you standing. This kind of exercise builds up your bones and makes them stronger. Some of the best examples of weight-bearing exercises are walking, jogging, dancing, aerobics.
It’s no question how important it is to take care of your bones! Variety in your diet helps build and strengthen your bones. So, be sure to include a good mix of food groups in your meals!
Dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt often come up in conversations about bone health because they’re loaded with calcium - the main ingredient that contributes to bone strength and bone structure.
Green Vegetables
Vitamin K and calcium, found in dark leafy vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, okra, kale, etc., work together to improve bone health. Spinach, although high in calcium, is not a great food choice for stronger bones because it contains oxalates which prevents the body from absorbing calcium.
Soya beans, black beans, kidney beans, red beans, mung beans, all kinds of beans serve up a hearty dose of bone-building nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. They’re also high in fibre and protein which is an added bonus for your diet.
Dried Fruits
Snacking can be tricky, especially when the most popular options seem to be processed, high-calorie items. Instead of reaching out for that quick cookie or chips, keep dried fruits such as almonds, raisins, prunes, figs and dried apricots around. They pack a powerful nutritious punch - fiber, magnesium, calcium, to name a few - that help build healthy bones.
Everyone knows that Vitamin D helps the body absorb more calcium and plays a key role in bone growth and remodeling. While the sun remains the most important source of Vitamin D, fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and fish liver oil also provide big doses of the sunshine vitamin.
Diet and exercise are some of the best ways to ensure your bone strength is at an optimal level but they won’t magically build bone mass. It takes the added support of a clean, healthy lifestyle to make your bones as strong as possible. Our advice?
Go Easy On The Caffeine
Caffeine, usually found in coffee and even sodas might be harming your bones! They leach calcium from bones, sapping their strength. This becomes a problem as a woman grows older because she doesn’t get enough calcium to begin with.
Say No To Cigarettes
If you needed another reason to quit smoking, here’s one: smoking restricts the flow of oxygen rich blood that nourishes bones and helps them heal from wear and tear. It also prevents the body’s ability to absorb calcium, leading to lower bone density and weaker bones.
Avoid Alcohol
Long-term alcohol consumption is a major health risk for many reasons including its effects on bones. Research shows that heavy alcohol use dramatically increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Alcohol interferes with bone growth and replacement of bone tissue, resulting in decreased bone density and an increased risk of fracture. If your goal is strengthening bones, doctors advise drinking less or not at all.